
Components for deriving and analysing water flows within a sectional profile.

The first channel component, Channel Region, determines a water level for a given section and a given area of water. It allows different channel geometries to be tested against a particular capacity of water and thus quickly gauge the efficacy of different profile geometries.

Channel Region
Icon for the CRegion component

Determine the submerged region of a channel given a quantity of water

Mode Name ID Description Optional Type
Channel C The sectional curve profile of the channel; must be planar and vertically-aligned (i.e. it fills up in the Z-axis) CurveParameter
Area A The desired area of the flow body. If unspecified it will try to guess a sensible value to use that can serve as a reference NumberParameter
Precision T The number of units to be accurate to in finding a matching area. If unspecified it will use 0.01% of the area. Smaller values will take longer to calculate. NumberParameter
Channel(s) C The perimeter(s) of the calculated water body or bodies CurveParameter
Area(s) A The area of the calculated water body or bodies NumberParameter

The second channel component, Channel Info, calculates a number of hydraulic calculations from the sectional area determined by the Channel Region component. Most of these are geometric (e.g. Mean Depth) but a number of others can be calculated if the component is provided with a slope value and a roughness coefficient for the channel.

Channel Info
Icon for the CInfo component

Calculate characteristics of water flow in a channel from its submerged region

Mode Name ID Description Optional Type
Channel C A closed planar curve representing a section of the water body; assumes a level top CurveParameter
Roughness N Manning’s roughness coefficient for the channel NumberParameter
Slope S Slope of the hydraulic grade line as a decimal (i.e. rise/run = 0.5) NumberParameter
Area A Area of the channel NumberParameter
Max Depth mD Maximum depth of the channel NumberParameter
Mean Depth aD Mean depth of the channel NumberParameter
Wetted Perimeter P Length of the channel in the boundary NumberParameter
Hydraulic Radius R Ratio of area to wetted perimeter NumberParameter
Velocity V Velocity of the water flow in the channel NumberParameter
Discharge Q The rate of discharge in cubic document units per second NumberParameter
Images of the channel tool applied to various geometries
Grasshopper definition demonstrating how to use the channel region and channel profile components.

Grasshopper definition demonstrating how to use the channel region and channel profile components.

Philip Belesky, for